Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jeep Jeep, I got the Jeep out of the back yard where it has sat 6 years...

I will put up a picture soon. All is good except the paint has been damaged by the tarps smacking it in the wind and some of the seams in the top are coming apart. The battery was dead, got a new one at Costco, and the thing fired right up. It is running a bit rich and the smell is bad while you are driving. I Power washed it in side and out, and used a cleaner resin like wax stuff. I will need to wax it again. I also did all the tires and seats with Armor All like stuff. It looks good, now if it got more than 9 miles to the gallon it would be way cool.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ride 4 or 5...

I rode a little further today. Looks like 12.3 on Google maps. Rode by a stinky dairy. People want to believe in happy cows, but let me tell you there are few dairy's with happy cows. Here is the map. It was 98 degrees... the temperature, not the Boy Band when I got back. It was pretty hot but it felt good since once again there was a breeze. I drank nearly a full Large water bottle and I may have to install another water bottle cage or use my camel-back if I start riding further.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

This one may be better i will send to my blog and fbook at the same time

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My first ride back in Hughson

So I went on my first ride today. It was a nice kick off to coming home. It was nearly 90 degrees, but quite breezy so it was not bad at all. It appears from this pic on Google Maps that my ride was only 10.4 miles.

On the way back I stopped to 'taste' a cherry or two along side the road. Yeah they were not my cherries but I think they were skipped in the harvest for some reason. The rest of the trees were picked pretty cleanly. The cherry was very warm, but very sweet. It probably would have been better cooled down a bit but it was a pleasant burst of flavor none the less.
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