Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Current location: Emailz

You know with all the new spam filters out there I forgot what it was like to get those emails EnL8arge My M3mber, #1 P 6E N I S G 1ROUTH P 6ILLS, P A 7 T C H, or the ever special P 7 E N I S / E X T 1 ENDER, although that is not my bag baby, it's not my bag. So anyway a spam email happen to make it through to my inbox from none other then a contact named Colon Cleanse (maybe since Colon Powell and I are tight my filter let it slide) with the subject line, Clean your Body of Toxins. Hmm, yes I am 40 now and I don't (thank God) need any of the aforementioned products, however cleansing my body of toxins sounded quite appealing. I mean heck, if at 40 you are not happy with the size of your P 6E N I S, will you ever be? And hopefully you know it is better to go for the optical inch with some manscaping, than to waste that retirement $ on the snake oil of the 21st century. Anyway, back to the Cleanse thing, (I will leave the word Colon out from now on it gives me the heebs) I am starting to think a cleanse may be a good idea. I have done a few 10day detox deals with pills and water and no booze, but I am thinking I need to go a little more hard core. David Spade joked about finding a 10 year old Doritos in his first calonic session, and everyone that has gone to a clinic somehow meets that one person, who knows the person, who found a Barbie doll foot during their, umm archeological expedition, I mean cleanse, or whatever. Joe B says the Barbie doll story is told by every person who gets cleansed, so I dunno but if you can get rid of/ clear out that mystery meat you ate at Seoul Korea Olympics and/or some Fruitcake from Aunt June in 1972, I am all for it.

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